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Superslick Bore Oil


Superslick Bore Oil
kr 70,00 AWM29

9 stk. på lager hos SpeakOn Larvik

Olje for bruk på innsiden av treinstrumenter som f.eks. klarinett og oboe. Motvirker uttørking av treverket.
• SpeakOn AS tar forbehold om eventuelle skrivefeil og prisendringer.


Clarinet bore oil from Superslick

We think: 
This special formula oil is designed to treat wooden instrument bores effectively and quickly and should be used as part of a regular instrument care program. Oiling helps prevent the clarinet bore from drying out and then cracking. Bore oil also prevents development of moulds, fungi and scale, which can cause blockages and damage that could affect tone and tuning. Apply sparingly.

  • Special formula oil designed specifically to treat wooden instrument bores
  • Can also be used on Oboes and other wooden bore Woodwind Instruments
  • Helps prevent bore from drying out and then cracking
  • Prevents development of moulds, fungi and scale, which can cause blockages and damage that could affect tone and tuning