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Graph Tech PRL-8311-C0 RATIO Electric Locking 3+3 Contemporary Chrome 2 Pin


Graph Tech PRL-8311-C0 RATIO Electric Locking 3+3 Contemporary Chrome 2 Pin
kr 2 099,00 PRL-8311-C0

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The PRL-8311-C0 is a set of Ratio Locking Tuned Machine Heads for an electric guitar that uses three a side tuners. It has a contemporary shaped button, has a two pin casing and is finished in chrome.

*Now includes InvisoMatch Standard Mounting Plates for easy installation. Fits most headstocks.
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Ratio - Tuned Machine Heads are the first and only machine head to incorporate the different string gauges into the tuning equation.  We balanced the individual gear ratios to each string dramatically simplified the tuning process.  No more overshooting the G string or twisting away on the high E string.  With Ratio, each half key turn equals one semitone change on all strings!  Quicker, more accurate tuning on every string.